Theorem’s 3D PDF Publisher Supports Model Based Definition (MBD) Processes

Our 3D PDF Document Publishing product, Publish 3D, is a fully integrated solution supporting Model Based Definition (MBD) processes for downstream data re-use.

Working directly from within a CAD design session, our 3D PDF document publisher supports the creation of documentation into the 3D PDF format, combining interactive 3D design data representations with full Product Manufacturing Information (PMI). 3D PDF documents can be used during the manufacturing process, removing the requirement for 2D drawings to be output from the CAD source data.

This solution offers enhanced functionality enabling the design author to pass information includV5-3dpdf-docing PMI, Geometry, Assembly Structure, Metadata, and Visualization attributes directly to the manufacturing department – without the need for a single drawing to be produced.

It is now possible for a manufacturing engineer to work directly with a 3D representation containing annotation and tolerance information without having to refer to a number of 2D drawings, which in itself is a costly process.

Using a 3D PDF created from source data is a simple way to produce a single interactive document that contains all possible configurations and 3D views, allowing users to convey detailed design intent.

Working with 3D PDF maximises efficiency and understanding of the manufacturing task in hand due to the interactive nature of the technology.

For example, using 3D PDF enables the user to pick a specific dimension and the associated geometry. This can then be re-orientated, sectioned, annotated or even hidden until the user has only the information they are trying to view to best understand the data. This new configuration can then be saved and is available for future use without having to produce a new drawing, or have a lengthy paper trail. When compared with interactive 3D PDF documentation, 2D drawings are costly to produce, maintain and understand.

The interactive nature of a 3D PDF document makes it easy to navigate the design data and extract information using the Adobe toolbar. The user can mark-up and annotate the data, and attach additional metadata to the 3D PDF, creating a rich source of information that aids understanding and effective collaboration.

Simply, 3D PDF documents reduce costs and time to manufacture, improve quality by eliminating potential errors due to transcription and interpretation of drawing data, safe guard Intellectual Property and can also save on expensive CAD licenses.

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